Pam's Latest Article

Why is the Holy Spirit Rarely Mentioned in So Many Churches?
I am re-reading a book called The Way to Pentecost. Author Samuel Chadwick opens this way: "The Apostles' Creed contains 10 articles on the Person and Work of Christ and only 1...
Pam's Latest Podcast

Discipleship Series: What is the Goodness of God?
Ruth and Aurelio are two Christian leaders who have endured suffering yet they say, "God is good all the time." How did they learn to separate bad events from the God they love and grow in even greater trust in Him?
Popular Articles From Somebody Testify
How is Praising God So Powerful and WHY is Praise a Weapon?
Watching from the balcony... "How is praising God so powerful?" she might have asked. (If she had known what to ask.) From the balcony of the...
Jesus Commanded, “Pray for Those Who Hurt You” | 5 Helps for Prayer
The private message arrived. I had not heard from the sender for years. She simply told me of the death of someone I had interacted with in a church...
What Does the Bible Say are Signs of a Hardened Heart?
I have been writing about the heart all this month, thanks to a reader's questions. But I would be missing something if I did not speak about the...
Christian Faith Basics

Why is the Holy Spirit Rarely Mentioned in So Many Churches?
I am re-reading a book called The Way to Pentecost. Author Samuel Chadwick opens this way: "The Apostles' Creed...

Is God Controlling All Things Good and Evil That Happen to Us?
I gave a definition of God's grace last week. But it's important to keep talking about God's nature for awhile. ...
Ministry Leadership

What is True Christianity About? Being Religious or Knowing God?
This past Sunday, we heard a sermon on David and Doeg. The pastor who preached used the moment to answer this...

How Do I Learn to Persevere? Wisdom for Gaining Staying Power
"You're more talented than most everyone here! The problem is you're lazy." The words stung my 15 year old...
Faith-Based Recovery

What is God’s Grace? Lessons Defining Discipleship for Believers
To answer the question, "What is God's grace?" I could tell so many stories about people transformed by God's...

What is True Repentance? How will I Know if God Accepts Mine?
I've often wondered what she looked like - the woman caught in adultery. (John 8:3) Did she grab a bedsheet to...

Is Constant Peace of Mind Possible? 7 Truths About Inner Peace
The ship's captain called for Mr. Spafford to come. "This is the spot of the shipwreck," he said to him. ...

What Makes the Blood of Jesus Christ So Powerful and Precious?
Jesus as the once for all sacrifice In the days of the Old Testament, the people developed a sacrificial system...

Dr. Pam Morrison: Pastor, Author, Speaker
Pastor Pam Morrison is dedicated to encouraging people to come to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a deep, unshakeable faith. She wants the Christian life to work for people of faith and so these pages are full of Christian life guidance.
She also has tremendous empathy for people who are recovering from substance use disorder. She knows how hard their lives are. And she has a passion for encouraging and supporting people of faith in other nations.