I am re-reading a book called The Way to Pentecost. Author Samuel Chadwick opens this way: “The Apostles’ Creed contains 10 articles on...
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What is True Christianity About? Being Religious or Knowing God?
This past Sunday, we heard a sermon on David and Doeg. The pastor who preached used the moment to answer this question, “What is true...
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Is God Controlling All Things Good and Evil That Happen to Us?
I gave a definition of God’s grace last week. But it’s important to keep talking about God’s nature for awhile. Why? Because He...
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What is God’s Grace? Lessons Defining Discipleship for Believers
To answer the question, “What is God’s grace?” I could tell so many stories about people transformed by God’s grace. But...
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I Believe Jesus is Lord but what are the ABCs of How to Live Now
The picture above is of a wonderful group of Pangu villagers (in Uganda) answering a question many have. People may say, “I believe...
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