I was talking with a friend the other day. He had called to pray with me and we talked about long term suffering. My friend commented that “a...
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Everyone Says “God is Love.” How Do I Accept that God Loves Me?
Last Sunday, as we sat in the living room of our small group hosts, the talk was about “laying a good foundation for our faith.” Though...
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How Can I Gain Victory Over Temptation? What is God’s Way Out?
I remember a sermon from years ago. The pastor told a story of a married woman coming to him for help. She told him that one night, while alone, she...
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Need Fresh Hope? 9 Ways to Encourage Yourself in the Lord
Recently, I woke up feeling heavy. What was the source? The national news? Some aches and pains? Frustration over church matters? Well, you know. We...
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What Does the Bible Say are Signs of a Hardened Heart?
I have been writing about the heart all this month, thanks to a reader’s questions. But I would be missing something if I did not speak about...
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How to Stop Feeling Guilty | Biblical Help
A woman once came to see me as I was doing pastoral care with people in recovery. She told me of a verse that was literally life saving for her. The...
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