A number of years ago, we watched the Downton Abbey tv series. One scene comes to mind as I start to write this post today. If you’re...
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What are the Benefits to Fearing God?
The “fear of the Lord” is one of those familiar but puzzling phrases that you see a lot in scripture. Here is a list of 100 verses that...
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Will God Ever Give Up on Me? | 4 Proofs God Doesn’t Abandon Us
I remember a secular song popular many years ago called River. To this day, lines from that Joni Mitchell song stick with me. She sang,...
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Jesus Commanded, “Pray for Those Who Hurt You” | 5 Helps for Prayer
The private message arrived. I had not heard from the sender for years. She simply told me of the death of someone I had interacted with in a church...
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How Can I Gain More Fully All the Benefits of Being a Christian?
A friend of mine, posted a wonderful reflection on Facebook about what we get when we choose to respond to Jesus and become a Christian. He said,...
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Feeling Left Out at Church? Reimagining “Connections Ministry”
I have recently had some conversations about finding real community in the church. A few people have said to me that they feel lonely or unwanted in...
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What is Holiness in the Bible? Five Benefits of Seeking a Holy Life
Though I wrote about the topic of holiness very recently (see What is Holiness? How Does the Bible Define Authentic Holiness? Sept. 10, 2021), I...
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Joseph, Father of Jesus: A Just Man Protected by Word and Spirit
Today, I am sharing the fourth and last in a series of Christmas articles about stirring up hope and devout belief again in the Christmas Season....
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The Visit of the Wise Men | Revelation of New Life in Jesus
In two previous blogs, How to Get Hope Back in Your Life: A Christmas Message of Hope for 2021, and Can We Make Christmas Meaningful Again? Stories...
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How to Get Hope Back in Your Life: A Christmas Message of Hope for 2021
In part 1 of this series of Christmas blogs, I spoke of Simeon, the old man who recognized who the baby Jesus was as He was carried into the Temple...
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Can We Make Christmas Meaningful Again? Stories of God Breaking In
“Nunc dimittis,” the old man said. “Now dismiss me…my eyes have seen your salvation, a light for revelation to the Gentiles,...
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Why Does God Allow Suffering? God Pulls Purpose Out of Pain
I was talking with a friend the other day. He had called to pray with me and we talked about long term suffering. My friend commented that “a...
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Does God Care About My Work? 5 Key Ways Our Work Matters to God
We are in a season where many are out of work. Others don’t want to go back to work. Adding to this disruption, jobs, in many fields, are...
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How God Opens the Eyes of the Heart to See the Invisible Realm
A friend of mine has just passed through her own challenging journey with Covid. Three members of her family became sick. They remained at home and...
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Everyone Says “God is Love.” How Do I Accept that God Loves Me?
Last Sunday, as we sat in the living room of our small group hosts, the talk was about “laying a good foundation for our faith.” Though...
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What is Holiness? How Does the Bible Define Authentic Holiness?
When the word holiness, or biblical holiness, is used, it unfortunately conjures up for many, images of black robed, stern preachers wagging their...
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How Can I Gain Victory Over Temptation? What is God’s Way Out?
I remember a sermon from years ago. The pastor told a story of a married woman coming to him for help. She told him that one night, while alone, she...
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Is it Possible to Recover from Grief? You Can Live and Love Again
Is it possible to recover from grief? That is the fear filled and pressing question many have when the worst possible things they can imagine...
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Need Fresh Hope? 9 Ways to Encourage Yourself in the Lord
Recently, I woke up feeling heavy. What was the source? The national news? Some aches and pains? Frustration over church matters? Well, you know. We...
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What is Forgiveness in the Bible? | How You Can Forgive Others and Find Freedom
R. T. Kendall is an amazing pastor and teacher. He also writes prolifically. In my opinion, probably the best book he has written thus far is Total...
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