We are in a season where many are out of work. Others don’t want to go back to work. Adding to this disruption, jobs, in many fields, are...
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How God Opens the Eyes of the Heart to See the Invisible Realm
A friend of mine has just passed through her own challenging journey with Covid. Three members of her family became sick. They remained at home and...
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Everyone Says “God is Love.” How Do I Accept that God Loves Me?
Last Sunday, as we sat in the living room of our small group hosts, the talk was about “laying a good foundation for our faith.” Though...
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What is Holiness? How Does the Bible Define Authentic Holiness?
When the word holiness, or biblical holiness, is used, it unfortunately conjures up for many, images of black robed, stern preachers wagging their...
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How Can I Gain Victory Over Temptation? What is God’s Way Out?
I remember a sermon from years ago. The pastor told a story of a married woman coming to him for help. She told him that one night, while alone, she...
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